1. Kafka Bridge overview
Use the Strimzi Kafka Bridge to make HTTP requests to a Kafka cluster.
You can use the Kafka Bridge to integrate HTTP client applications with your Kafka cluster.
1.1. Running the Kafka Bridge
Install the Strimzi Kafka Bridge to run in the same environment as your Kafka cluster.
You can download and add the Kafka Bridge installation artifacts to your host machine. To try out the Kafka Bridge in your local environment, see the Kafka Bridge quickstart.
1.1.1. Running the Kafka Bridge on Kubernetes
If you deployed Strimzi on Kubernetes, you can use the Strimzi Cluster Operator to deploy the Kafka Bridge to the Kubernetes cluster.
Configure and deploy the Kafka Bridge as a KafkaBridge
You’ll need a running Kafka cluster that was deployed by the Cluster Operator in a Kubernetes namespace.
You can configure your deployment to access the Kafka Bridge outside the Kubernetes cluster.
For information on deploying and configuring the Kafka Bridge as a KafkaBridge
resource, see the Strimzi documentation.
1.2. Kafka Bridge interface
The Kafka Bridge provides a RESTful interface that allows HTTP-based clients to interact with a Kafka cluster. It offers the advantages of a web API connection to Strimzi, without the need for client applications to interpret the Kafka protocol.
The API has two main resources — consumers
and topics
— that are exposed and made accessible through endpoints to interact with consumers and producers in your Kafka cluster. The resources relate only to the Kafka Bridge, not the consumers and producers connected directly to Kafka.
1.2.1. HTTP requests
The Kafka Bridge supports HTTP requests to a Kafka cluster, with methods to:
Send messages to a topic.
Retrieve messages from topics.
Retrieve a list of partitions for a topic.
Create and delete consumers.
Subscribe consumers to topics, so that they start receiving messages from those topics.
Retrieve a list of topics that a consumer is subscribed to.
Unsubscribe consumers from topics.
Assign partitions to consumers.
Commit a list of consumer offsets.
Seek on a partition, so that a consumer starts receiving messages from the first or last offset position, or a given offset position.
The methods provide JSON responses and HTTP response code error handling. Messages can be sent in JSON or binary formats.
Clients can produce and consume messages without the requirement to use the native Kafka protocol.
1.3. Kafka Bridge OpenAPI specification
Kafka Bridge APIs use the OpenAPI Specification (OAS). OAS provides a standard framework for describing and implementing HTTP APIs.
The Kafka Bridge OpenAPI specification is in JSON format.
You can find the OpenAPI JSON files in the src/main/resources/
folder of the Kafka Bridge source download files.
The download files are available from the GitHub release page.
You can also use the GET /openapi
method to retrieve the OpenAPI v2 specification in JSON format.
1.4. Securing connectivity to the Kafka cluster
You can configure the following between the Kafka Bridge and your Kafka cluster:
TLS or SASL-based authentication
A TLS-encrypted connection
You configure the Kafka Bridge for authentication through its properties file.
You can also use ACLs in Kafka brokers to restrict the topics that can be consumed and produced using the Kafka Bridge.
Use the KafkaBridge resource to configure authentication when you are running the Kafka Bridge on Kubernetes.
1.5. Securing the Kafka Bridge HTTP interface
Authentication and encryption between HTTP clients and the Kafka Bridge is not supported directly by the Kafka Bridge. Requests sent from clients to the Kafka Bridge are sent without authentication or encryption. Requests must use HTTP rather than HTTPS.
You can combine the Kafka Bridge with the following tools to secure it:
Network policies and firewalls that define which pods can access the Kafka Bridge
Reverse proxies (for example, OAuth 2.0)
API gateways
1.6. Requests to the Kafka Bridge
Specify data formats and HTTP headers to ensure valid requests are submitted to the Kafka Bridge.
1.6.1. Content Type headers
API request and response bodies are always encoded as JSON.
When performing consumer operations,
requests must provide the followingContent-Type
header if there is a non-empty body:Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json
When performing producer operations,
requests must provideContent-Type
headers specifying the embedded data format of the messages produced. This can be eitherjson
.Embedded data format Content-Type header JSON
Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json
Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.binary.v2+json
The embedded data format is set per consumer, as described in the next section.
The Content-Type
must not be set if the POST
request has an empty body.
An empty body can be used to create a consumer with the default values.
1.6.2. Embedded data format
The embedded data format is the format of the Kafka messages that are transmitted, over HTTP, from a producer to a consumer using the Kafka Bridge. Two embedded data formats are supported: JSON and binary.
When creating a consumer using the /consumers/groupid
endpoint, the POST
request body must specify an embedded data format of either JSON or binary. This is specified in the format
field, for example:
"name": "my-consumer",
"format": "binary", # (1)
# ...
A binary embedded data format.
The embedded data format specified when creating a consumer must match the data format of the Kafka messages it will consume.
If you choose to specify a binary embedded data format, subsequent producer requests must provide the binary data in the request body as Base64-encoded strings. For example, when sending messages using the /topics/topicname
endpoint, records.value
must be encoded in Base64:
"records": [
"key": "my-key",
"value": "ZWR3YXJkdGhldGhyZWVsZWdnZWRjYXQ="
Producer requests must also provide a Content-Type
header that corresponds to the embedded data format, for example, Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.binary.v2+json
1.6.3. Message format
When sending messages using the /topics
endpoint, you enter the message payload in the request body, in the records
The records
parameter can contain any of these optional fields:
request to /topicscurl -X POST \
http://localhost:8080/topics/my-topic \
-H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json' \
-d '{
"records": [
"key": "my-key",
"value": "sales-lead-0001"
"partition": 2
"headers": [
"key": "key1",
"value": "QXBhY2hlIEthZmthIGlzIHRoZSBib21iIQ==" (1)
The header value in binary format and encoded as Base64.
1.6.4. Accept headers
After creating a consumer, all subsequent GET requests must provide an Accept
header in the following format:
Accept: application/vnd.kafka.EMBEDDED-DATA-FORMAT.v2+json
is either json
or binary
For example, when retrieving records for a subscribed consumer using an embedded data format of JSON, include this Accept header:
Accept: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json
1.7. CORS
In general, it is not possible for an HTTP client to issue requests across different domains.
For example, suppose the Kafka Bridge you deployed alongside a Kafka cluster is accessible using the http://my-bridge.io
HTTP clients can use the URL to interact with the Kafka Bridge and exchange messages through the Kafka cluster.
However, your client is running as a web application in the http://my-web-application.io
The client (source) domain is different from the Kafka Bridge (target) domain.
Because of same-origin policy restrictions, requests from the client fail.
You can avoid this situation by using Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
CORS allows for simple and preflighted requests between origin sources on different domains.
Simple requests are suitable for standard requests using GET
A preflighted request sends a HTTP OPTIONS request as an initial check that the actual request is safe to send.
On confirmation, the actual request is sent.
Preflight requests are suitable for methods that require greater safeguards, such as PUT
and use non-standard headers.
All requests require an origins value in their header, which is the source of the HTTP request.
CORS allows you to specify allowed methods and originating URLs for accessing the Kafka cluster in your Kafka Bridge HTTP configuration.
# ...
1.7.1. Simple request
For example, this simple request header specifies the origin as http://my-web-application.io
Origin: http://my-web-application.io
The header information is added to the request to consume records.
curl -v -X GET HTTP-BRIDGE-ADDRESS/consumers/my-group/instances/my-consumer/records \
-H 'Origin: http://my-web-application.io'\
-H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json'
In the response from the Kafka Bridge, an Access-Control-Allow-Origin
header is returned.
It contains the list of domains from where HTTP requests can be issued to the bridge.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * (1)
Returning an asterisk (
) shows the resource can be accessed by any domain.
1.7.2. Preflighted request
An initial preflight request is sent to Kafka Bridge using an OPTIONS
The HTTP OPTIONS request sends header information to check that Kafka Bridge will allow the actual request.
Here the preflight request checks that a POST
request is valid from http://my-web-application.io
OPTIONS /my-group/instances/my-consumer/subscription HTTP/1.1
Origin: http://my-web-application.io
Access-Control-Request-Method: POST (1)
Access-Control-Request-Headers: Content-Type (2)
Kafka Bridge is alerted that the actual request is a
request. -
The actual request will be sent with a
is added to the header information of the preflight request.
curl -v -X OPTIONS -H 'Origin: http://my-web-application.io' \
-H 'Access-Control-Request-Method: POST' \
-H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json'
Kafka Bridge responds to the initial request to confirm that the request will be accepted. The response header returns allowed origins, methods and headers.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://my-web-application.io
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: content-type
If the origin or method is rejected, an error message is returned.
The actual request does not require Access-Control-Request-Method
header, as it was confirmed in the preflight request,
but it does require the origin header.
curl -v -X POST HTTP-BRIDGE-ADDRESS/topics/bridge-topic \
-H 'Origin: http://my-web-application.io' \
-H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json'
The response shows the originating URL is allowed.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://my-web-application.io
1.8. Configuring loggers for the Kafka Bridge
You can set a different log level for each operation that is defined by the Kafka Bridge OpenAPI specification.
Each operation has a corresponding API endpoint through which the bridge receives requests from HTTP clients. You can change the log level on each endpoint to produce more or less fine-grained logging information about the incoming and outgoing HTTP requests.
Loggers are defined in the log4j.properties
file, which has the following default configuration for healthy
and ready
log4j.logger.http.openapi.operation.healthy=WARN, out
log4j.logger.http.openapi.operation.ready=WARN, out
The log level of all other operations is set to INFO
by default.
Loggers are formatted as follows:
Where <operation_id>
is the identifier of the specific operation.
2. Kafka Bridge quickstart
Use this quickstart to try out the Strimzi Kafka Bridge in your local development environment.
You will learn how to do the following:
Produce messages to topics and partitions in your Kafka cluster
Create a Kafka Bridge consumer
Perform basic consumer operations, such as subscribing the consumer to topics and retrieving the messages that you produced
In this quickstart, HTTP requests are formatted as curl commands that you can copy and paste to your terminal.
Ensure you have the prerequisites and then follow the tasks in the order provided in this chapter.
In this quickstart, you will produce and consume messages in JSON format.
A Kafka cluster is running on the host machine.
2.1. Downloading a Kafka Bridge archive
A zipped distribution of the Strimzi Kafka Bridge is available for download.
Download the latest version of the Strimzi Kafka Bridge archive from the GitHub release page.
2.2. Installing the Kafka Bridge
Use the script provided with the Kafka Bridge archive to install the Kafka Bridge.
The application.properties
file provided with the installation archive provides default configuration settings.
The following default property values configure the Kafka Bridge to listen for requests on port 8080.
If you have not already done so, unzip the Kafka Bridge installation archive to any directory.
Run the Kafka Bridge script using the configuration properties as a parameter:
For example:
./bin/kafka_bridge_run.sh --config-file=<path>/application.properties
Check to see that the installation was successful in the log.
HTTP-Kafka Bridge started and listening on port 8080 HTTP-Kafka Bridge bootstrap servers localhost:9092
2.3. Producing messages to topics and partitions
Use the Kafka Bridge to produce messages to a Kafka topic in JSON format by using the topics endpoint.
You can produce messages to topics in JSON format by using the topics endpoint. You can specify destination partitions for messages in the request body. The partitions endpoint provides an alternative method for specifying a single destination partition for all messages as a path parameter.
In this procedure, messages are produced to a topic called bridge-quickstart-topic
The Kafka cluster has a topic with three partitions.
You can use the
utility to create topics.Example topic creation with three partitionsbin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --topic bridge-quickstart-topic --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1
Verifying the topic was createdbin/kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --describe --topic bridge-quickstart-topic
If you deployed Strimzi on Kubernetes, you can create a topic using the KafkaTopic custom resource.
Using the Kafka Bridge, produce three messages to the topic you created:
curl -X POST \ http://localhost:8080/topics/bridge-quickstart-topic \ -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json' \ -d '{ "records": [ { "key": "my-key", "value": "sales-lead-0001" }, { "value": "sales-lead-0002", "partition": 2 }, { "value": "sales-lead-0003" } ] }'
is sent to a partition based on the hash of the key. -
is sent directly to partition 2. -
is sent to a partition in thebridge-quickstart-topic
topic using a round-robin method.
If the request is successful, the Kafka Bridge returns an
array, along with a200
code and acontent-type
header ofapplication/vnd.kafka.v2+json
. For each message, theoffsets
array describes:-
The partition that the message was sent to
The current message offset of the partition
Example response#... { "offsets":[ { "partition":0, "offset":0 }, { "partition":2, "offset":0 }, { "partition":0, "offset":1 } ] }
Make other curl requests to find information on topics and partitions.
- List topics
curl -X GET \ http://localhost:8080/topics
Example response[ "__strimzi_store_topic", "__strimzi-topic-operator-kstreams-topic-store-changelog", "bridge-quickstart-topic", "my-topic" ]
- Get topic configuration and partition details
curl -X GET \ http://localhost:8080/topics/bridge-quickstart-topic
Example response{ "name": "bridge-quickstart-topic", "configs": { "compression.type": "producer", "leader.replication.throttled.replicas": "", "min.insync.replicas": "1", "message.downconversion.enable": "true", "segment.jitter.ms": "0", "cleanup.policy": "delete", "flush.ms": "9223372036854775807", "follower.replication.throttled.replicas": "", "segment.bytes": "1073741824", "retention.ms": "604800000", "flush.messages": "9223372036854775807", "message.format.version": "2.8-IV1", "max.compaction.lag.ms": "9223372036854775807", "file.delete.delay.ms": "60000", "max.message.bytes": "1048588", "min.compaction.lag.ms": "0", "message.timestamp.type": "CreateTime", "preallocate": "false", "index.interval.bytes": "4096", "min.cleanable.dirty.ratio": "0.5", "unclean.leader.election.enable": "false", "retention.bytes": "-1", "delete.retention.ms": "86400000", "segment.ms": "604800000", "message.timestamp.difference.max.ms": "9223372036854775807", "segment.index.bytes": "10485760" }, "partitions": [ { "partition": 0, "leader": 0, "replicas": [ { "broker": 0, "leader": true, "in_sync": true }, { "broker": 1, "leader": false, "in_sync": true }, { "broker": 2, "leader": false, "in_sync": true } ] }, { "partition": 1, "leader": 2, "replicas": [ { "broker": 2, "leader": true, "in_sync": true }, { "broker": 0, "leader": false, "in_sync": true }, { "broker": 1, "leader": false, "in_sync": true } ] }, { "partition": 2, "leader": 1, "replicas": [ { "broker": 1, "leader": true, "in_sync": true }, { "broker": 2, "leader": false, "in_sync": true }, { "broker": 0, "leader": false, "in_sync": true } ] } ] }
- List the partitions of a specific topic
curl -X GET \ http://localhost:8080/topics/bridge-quickstart-topic/partitions
Example response[ { "partition": 0, "leader": 0, "replicas": [ { "broker": 0, "leader": true, "in_sync": true }, { "broker": 1, "leader": false, "in_sync": true }, { "broker": 2, "leader": false, "in_sync": true } ] }, { "partition": 1, "leader": 2, "replicas": [ { "broker": 2, "leader": true, "in_sync": true }, { "broker": 0, "leader": false, "in_sync": true }, { "broker": 1, "leader": false, "in_sync": true } ] }, { "partition": 2, "leader": 1, "replicas": [ { "broker": 1, "leader": true, "in_sync": true }, { "broker": 2, "leader": false, "in_sync": true }, { "broker": 0, "leader": false, "in_sync": true } ] } ]
- List the details of a specific topic partition
curl -X GET \ http://localhost:8080/topics/bridge-quickstart-topic/partitions/0
Example response{ "partition": 0, "leader": 0, "replicas": [ { "broker": 0, "leader": true, "in_sync": true }, { "broker": 1, "leader": false, "in_sync": true }, { "broker": 2, "leader": false, "in_sync": true } ] }
- List the offsets of a specific topic partition
curl -X GET \ http://localhost:8080/topics/bridge-quickstart-topic/partitions/0/offsets
Example response{ "beginning_offset": 0, "end_offset": 1 }
After producing messages to topics and partitions, create a Kafka Bridge consumer.
2.4. Creating a Kafka Bridge consumer
Before you can perform any consumer operations in the Kafka cluster, you must first create a consumer by using the consumers endpoint. The consumer is referred to as a Kafka Bridge consumer.
Create a Kafka Bridge consumer in a new consumer group named
:curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group \ -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json' \ -d '{ "name": "bridge-quickstart-consumer", "auto.offset.reset": "earliest", "format": "json", "enable.auto.commit": false, "fetch.min.bytes": 512, "consumer.request.timeout.ms": 30000 }'
The consumer is named
and the embedded data format is set asjson
. -
Some basic configuration settings are defined.
The consumer will not commit offsets to the log automatically because the
setting isfalse
. You will commit the offsets manually later in this quickstart.If the request is successful, the Kafka Bridge returns the consumer ID (
) and base URL (base_uri
) in the response body, along with a200
code.Example response#... { "instance_id": "bridge-quickstart-consumer", "base_uri":"http://<bridge_id>-bridge-service:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group/instances/bridge-quickstart-consumer" }
Copy the base URL (
) to use in the other consumer operations in this quickstart.
Now that you have created a Kafka Bridge consumer, you can subscribe it to topics.
2.5. Subscribing a Kafka Bridge consumer to topics
After you have created a Kafka Bridge consumer, subscribe it to one or more topics by using the subscription endpoint. When subscribed, the consumer starts receiving all messages that are produced to the topic.
Subscribe the consumer to the
topic that you created earlier, in Producing messages to topics and partitions:curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group/instances/bridge-quickstart-consumer/subscription \ -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json' \ -d '{ "topics": [ "bridge-quickstart-topic" ] }'
array can contain a single topic (as shown here) or multiple topics. If you want to subscribe the consumer to multiple topics that match a regular expression, you can use thetopic_pattern
string instead of thetopics
array.If the request is successful, the Kafka Bridge returns a
(No Content) code only.
After subscribing a Kafka Bridge consumer to topics, you can retrieve messages from the consumer.
2.6. Retrieving the latest messages from a Kafka Bridge consumer
Retrieve the latest messages from the Kafka Bridge consumer by requesting data from the records endpoint. In production, HTTP clients can call this endpoint repeatedly (in a loop).
Produce additional messages to the Kafka Bridge consumer, as described in Producing messages to topics and partitions.
Submit a
request to therecords
endpoint:curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group/instances/bridge-quickstart-consumer/records \ -H 'accept: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json'
After creating and subscribing to a Kafka Bridge consumer, a first GET request will return an empty response because the poll operation starts a rebalancing process to assign partitions.
Repeat step two to retrieve messages from the Kafka Bridge consumer.
The Kafka Bridge returns an array of messages — describing the topic name, key, value, partition, and offset — in the response body, along with a
code. Messages are retrieved from the latest offset by default.HTTP/1.1 200 OK content-type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json #... [ { "topic":"bridge-quickstart-topic", "key":"my-key", "value":"sales-lead-0001", "partition":0, "offset":0 }, { "topic":"bridge-quickstart-topic", "key":null, "value":"sales-lead-0003", "partition":0, "offset":1 }, #...
NoteIf an empty response is returned, produce more records to the consumer as described in Producing messages to topics and partitions, and then try retrieving messages again.
After retrieving messages from a Kafka Bridge consumer, try committing offsets to the log.
2.7. Commiting offsets to the log
Use the offsets endpoint to manually commit offsets to the log for all messages received by the Kafka Bridge consumer. This is required because the Kafka Bridge consumer that you created earlier, in Creating a Kafka Bridge consumer, was configured with the enable.auto.commit
setting as false
Commit offsets to the log for the
:curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group/instances/bridge-quickstart-consumer/offsets
Because no request body is submitted, offsets are committed for all the records that have been received by the consumer. Alternatively, the request body can contain an array (OffsetCommitSeekList) that specifies the topics and partitions that you want to commit offsets for.
If the request is successful, the Kafka Bridge returns a
code only.
After committing offsets to the log, try out the endpoints for seeking to offsets.
2.8. Seeking to offsets for a partition
Use the positions endpoints to configure the Kafka Bridge consumer to retrieve messages for a partition from a specific offset, and then from the latest offset. This is referred to in Apache Kafka as a seek operation.
Seek to a specific offset for partition 0 of the
topic:curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group/instances/bridge-quickstart-consumer/positions \ -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json' \ -d '{ "offsets": [ { "topic": "bridge-quickstart-topic", "partition": 0, "offset": 2 } ] }'
If the request is successful, the Kafka Bridge returns a
code only. -
Submit a
request to therecords
endpoint:curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group/instances/bridge-quickstart-consumer/records \ -H 'accept: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json'
The Kafka Bridge returns messages from the offset that you seeked to.
Restore the default message retrieval behavior by seeking to the last offset for the same partition. This time, use the positions/end endpoint.
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group/instances/bridge-quickstart-consumer/positions/end \ -H 'content-type: application/vnd.kafka.v2+json' \ -d '{ "partitions": [ { "topic": "bridge-quickstart-topic", "partition": 0 } ] }'
If the request is successful, the Kafka Bridge returns another
You can also use the positions/beginning endpoint to seek to the first offset for one or more partitions. |
In this quickstart, you have used the Strimzi Kafka Bridge to perform several common operations on a Kafka cluster. You can now delete the Kafka Bridge consumer that you created earlier.
2.9. Deleting a Kafka Bridge consumer
Delete the Kafka Bridge consumer that you used throughout this quickstart.
Delete the Kafka Bridge consumer by sending a
request to the instances endpoint.curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/consumers/bridge-quickstart-consumer-group/instances/bridge-quickstart-consumer
If the request is successful, the Kafka Bridge returns a
3. Kafka Bridge configuration
Configure a deployment of the Kafka Bridge using configuration properties. Configure Kafka and specify the HTTP connection details needed to be able to interact with Kafka. You can also use configuration properties to enable and use distributed tracing with the Kafka Bridge. Distributed tracing allows you to track the progress of transactions between applications in a distributed system.
Use the KafkaBridge resource to configure properties when you are running the Kafka Bridge on Kubernetes.
3.1. Configuring Kafka Bridge properties
This procedure describes how to configure the Kafka and HTTP connection properties used by the Kafka Bridge.
You configure the Kafka Bridge, as any other Kafka client, using appropriate prefixes for Kafka-related properties.
for general configuration that applies to producers and consumers, such as server connection and security. -
for consumer-specific configuration passed only to the consumer. -
for producer-specific configuration passed only to the producer.
As well as enabling HTTP access to a Kafka cluster, HTTP properties provide the capability to enable and define access control for the Kafka Bridge through Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). CORS is a HTTP mechanism that allows browser access to selected resources from more than one origin. To configure CORS, you define a list of allowed resource origins and HTTP methods to access them. Additional HTTP headers in requests describe the CORS origins that are permitted access to the Kafka cluster.
Edit the
file provided with the Kafka Bridge installation archive.Use the properties file to specify Kafka and HTTP-related properties.
Configure standard Kafka-related properties, including properties specific to the Kafka consumers and producers.
to define the host/port connections to the Kafka cluster -
to provide acknowledgments to the HTTP client -
to determine how to manage reset of the offset in KafkaFor more information on configuration of Kafka properties, see the Apache Kafka website
Configure HTTP-related properties to enable HTTP access to the Kafka cluster.
For example:
bridge.id=my-bridge http.host= http.port=8080 (1) http.cors.enabled=true (2) http.cors.allowedOrigins=https://strimzi.io (3) http.cors.allowedMethods=GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS,PATCH (4)
The default HTTP configuration for the Kafka Bridge to listen on port 8080.
Set to
to enable CORS. -
Comma-separated list of allowed CORS origins. You can use a URL or a Java regular expression.
Comma-separated list of allowed HTTP methods for CORS.
Save the configuration file.
3.2. Configuring distributed tracing
Enable distributed tracing to trace messages consumed and produced by the Kafka Bridge, and HTTP requests from client applications.
Properties to enable tracing are present in the application.properties
To enable distributed tracing, do the following:
Set the
property value to enable the tracing you want to use. Possible values arejaeger
. -
Set environment variables for tracing.
With the default configuration, the OpenTelemetry tracing uses OTLP as exporter protocol. You can still use your Jaeger backend instance to get the traces, by configuring the OTLP endpoint properly.
Jaeger added the support for OTLP protocol since 1.35 release. Older releases cannot get traces via OLTP protocol. |
OpenTelemetry and OpenTracing are API specifications for collecting tracing data as spans of metrics data. Spans represent a specific operation. A trace is a collection of one or more spans.
Traces are generated when the Kafka Bridge does the following:
Sends messages from Kafka to consumer HTTP clients
Receives messages from producer HTTP clients to send to Kafka
Jaeger implements the required APIs and presents visualizations of the trace data in its user interface for analysis.
To have end-to-end tracing, you must configure tracing in your HTTP clients.
The OpenTracing project is now archived, so Strimzi has deprecated support for OpenTracing. |
Edit the
file provided with the Kafka Bridge installation archive.Use the
property to enable the tracing you want to use.Example configuration to enable OpenTelemetry#bridge.tracing=jaeger # (1) bridge.tracing=opentelemetry # (2)
The property for enabling OpenTracing (deprecated). Here left commented.
The property for enabling OpenTelemetry is uncommented.
With tracing enabled, you initialize tracing when you run the Kafka Bridge script.
Save the configuration file.
Set the environment variables for tracing.
Environment variables for OpenTelemetryOTEL_SERVICE_NAME=my-tracing-service # (1) OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:4317 # (2)
The name of the OpenTelemetry tracer service.
The gRPC-based OTLP endpoint that listens for spans on port 4317.
Environment variables for OpenTracingJAEGER_SERVICE_NAME=my-jaeger-service # (1) JAEGER_AGENT_HOST=localhost # (2) JAEGER_AGENT_PORT=6831 # (3)
The name of the OpenTracing Jaeger tracer service.
The hostname for communicating with the Jaeger agent that listens for spans.
The port for communicating with the Jaeger agent. Port 6831 is exposed by the Jaeger agent.
Run the Kafka Bridge script with the property enabled for tracing:
Running the Kafka Bridge with OpenTelemetry enabled./bin/kafka_bridge_run.sh --config-file=<path>/application.properties
The internal consumers and producers of the Kafka Bridge are now enabled for tracing.
3.2.1. Specifying tracing systems with OpenTelemetry
Instead of the default OTLP tracing system, you can specify other tracing systems that are supported by OpenTelemetry.
If you want to use another tracing system with OpenTelemetry, do the following:
Add the library of the tracing system to the Kafka classpath.
Add the name of the tracing system as an additional exporter environment variable.
Additional environment variable when not using OTLPOTEL_SERVICE_NAME=my-tracing-service OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER=zipkin # (1) OTEL_EXPORTER_ZIPKIN_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans (2)
The name of the tracing system. In this example, Zipkin is specified.
The endpoint of the specific selected exporter that listens for spans. In this example, a Zipkin endpoint is specified.
4. Strimzi Kafka Bridge API Reference
4.1. Overview
The Strimzi Kafka Bridge provides a REST API for integrating HTTP based client applications with a Kafka cluster. You can use the API to create and manage consumers and send and receive records over HTTP rather than the native Kafka protocol.
4.1.1. Version information
Version : 0.1.0
4.1.2. Tags
Consumers : Consumer operations to create consumers in your Kafka cluster and perform common actions, such as subscribing to topics, retrieving processed records, and committing offsets.
Producer : Producer operations to send records to a specified topic or topic partition.
Seek : Seek operations that enable a consumer to begin receiving messages from a given offset position.
Topics : Topic operations to send messages to a specified topic or topic partition, optionally including message keys in requests. You can also retrieve topics and topic metadata.
4.1.3. Consumes
4.1.4. Produces
4.2. Definitions
4.2.1. AssignedTopicPartitions
Type : < string, < integer (int32) > array > map
4.2.2. BridgeInfo
Information about Kafka Bridge instance.
Name | Schema |
bridge_version |
string |
4.2.3. Consumer
Name | Description | Schema |
auto.offset.reset |
Resets the offset position for the consumer. If set to |
string |
consumer.request.timeout.ms |
Sets the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, for the consumer to wait for messages for a request. If the timeout period is reached without a response, an error is returned. Default is |
integer |
enable.auto.commit |
If set to |
boolean |
fetch.min.bytes |
Sets the minimum amount of data, in bytes, for the consumer to receive. The broker waits until the data to send exceeds this amount. Default is |
integer |
format |
The allowable message format for the consumer, which can be |
string |
isolation.level |
If set to |
string |
name |
The unique name for the consumer instance. The name is unique within the scope of the consumer group. The name is used in URLs. If a name is not specified, a randomly generated name is assigned. |
string |
4.2.4. ConsumerRecord
Name | Schema |
headers |
key |
string |
offset |
integer (int64) |
partition |
integer (int32) |
topic |
string |
value |
string |
4.2.5. ConsumerRecordList
Type : < ConsumerRecord > array
4.2.6. CreatedConsumer
Name | Description | Schema |
base_uri |
Base URI used to construct URIs for subsequent requests against this consumer instance. |
string |
instance_id |
Unique ID for the consumer instance in the group. |
string |
4.2.7. Error
Name | Schema |
error_code |
integer (int32) |
message |
string |
4.2.8. KafkaHeader
Name | Description | Schema |
key |
string |
value |
The header value in binary format, base64-encoded |
string (byte) |
4.2.9. KafkaHeaderList
Type : < KafkaHeader > array
4.2.10. OffsetCommitSeek
Name | Schema |
offset |
integer (int64) |
partition |
integer (int32) |
topic |
string |
4.2.11. OffsetCommitSeekList
Name | Schema |
offsets |
< OffsetCommitSeek > array |
4.2.12. OffsetRecordSent
Name | Schema |
offset |
integer (int64) |
partition |
integer (int32) |
4.2.13. OffsetRecordSentList
Name | Schema |
offsets |
< OffsetRecordSent > array |
4.2.14. OffsetsSummary
Name | Schema |
beginning_offset |
integer (int64) |
end_offset |
integer (int64) |
4.2.15. Partition
Name | Schema |
partition |
integer (int32) |
topic |
string |
4.2.16. PartitionMetadata
Name | Schema |
leader |
integer (int32) |
partition |
integer (int32) |
replicas |
< Replica > array |
4.2.17. Partitions
Name | Schema |
partitions |
< Partition > array |
4.2.18. ProducerRecord
Name | Schema |
headers |
partition |
integer (int32) |
4.2.19. ProducerRecordList
Name | Schema |
records |
< ProducerRecord > array |
4.2.20. ProducerRecordToPartition
Type : object
4.2.21. ProducerRecordToPartitionList
Name | Schema |
records |
< ProducerRecordToPartition > array |
4.2.22. Replica
Name | Schema |
broker |
integer (int32) |
in_sync |
boolean |
leader |
boolean |
4.2.23. SubscribedTopicList
Name | Schema |
partitions |
< AssignedTopicPartitions > array |
topics |
4.2.24. TopicMetadata
Name | Description | Schema |
configs |
Per-topic configuration overrides |
< string, string > map |
name |
Name of the topic |
string |
partitions |
< PartitionMetadata > array |
4.2.25. Topics
Name | Description | Schema |
topic_pattern |
A regex topic pattern for matching multiple topics |
string |
topics |
< string > array |
4.3. Paths
4.3.1. GET /
Retrieves information about the Kafka Bridge instance, in JSON format.
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Information about Kafka Bridge instance. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"bridge_version" : "0.16.0"
4.3.2. POST /consumers/{groupid}
Creates a consumer instance in the given consumer group. You can optionally specify a consumer name and supported configuration options. It returns a base URI which must be used to construct URLs for subsequent requests against this consumer instance.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
groupid |
ID of the consumer group in which to create the consumer. |
string |
Body |
body |
Name and configuration of the consumer. The name is unique within the scope of the consumer group. If a name is not specified, a randomly generated name is assigned. All parameters are optional. The supported configuration options are shown in the following example. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Consumer created successfully. |
409 |
A consumer instance with the specified name already exists in the Kafka Bridge. |
422 |
One or more consumer configuration options have invalid values. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"name" : "consumer1",
"format" : "binary",
"auto.offset.reset" : "earliest",
"enable.auto.commit" : false,
"fetch.min.bytes" : 512,
"consumer.request.timeout.ms" : 30000,
"isolation.level" : "read_committed"
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"instance_id" : "consumer1",
"base_uri" : "http://localhost:8080/consumers/my-group/instances/consumer1"
Response 409
"error_code" : 409,
"message" : "A consumer instance with the specified name already exists in the Kafka Bridge."
Response 422
"error_code" : 422,
"message" : "One or more consumer configuration options have invalid values."
4.3.3. DELETE /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name}
Deletes a specified consumer instance. The request for this operation MUST use the base URL (including the host and port) returned in the response from the POST
request to /consumers/{groupid}
that was used to create this consumer.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
groupid |
ID of the consumer group to which the consumer belongs. |
string |
Path |
name |
Name of the consumer to delete. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 |
Consumer removed successfully. |
No Content |
404 |
The specified consumer instance was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 404
"error_code" : 404,
"message" : "The specified consumer instance was not found."
4.3.4. POST /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name}/assignments
Assigns one or more topic partitions to a consumer.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
groupid |
ID of the consumer group to which the consumer belongs. |
string |
Path |
name |
Name of the consumer to assign topic partitions to. |
string |
Body |
body |
List of topic partitions to assign to the consumer. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 |
Partitions assigned successfully. |
No Content |
404 |
The specified consumer instance was not found. |
409 |
Subscriptions to topics, partitions, and patterns are mutually exclusive. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"partitions" : [ {
"topic" : "topic",
"partition" : 0
}, {
"topic" : "topic",
"partition" : 1
} ]
Example HTTP response
Response 404
"error_code" : 404,
"message" : "The specified consumer instance was not found."
Response 409
"error_code" : 409,
"message" : "Subscriptions to topics, partitions, and patterns are mutually exclusive."
4.3.5. POST /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name}/offsets
Commits a list of consumer offsets. To commit offsets for all records fetched by the consumer, leave the request body empty.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
groupid |
ID of the consumer group to which the consumer belongs. |
string |
Path |
name |
Name of the consumer. |
string |
Body |
body |
List of consumer offsets to commit to the consumer offsets commit log. You can specify one or more topic partitions to commit offsets for. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 |
Commit made successfully. |
No Content |
404 |
The specified consumer instance was not found. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"offsets" : [ {
"topic" : "topic",
"partition" : 0,
"offset" : 15
}, {
"topic" : "topic",
"partition" : 1,
"offset" : 42
} ]
Example HTTP response
Response 404
"error_code" : 404,
"message" : "The specified consumer instance was not found."
4.3.6. POST /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name}/positions
Configures a subscribed consumer to fetch offsets from a particular offset the next time it fetches a set of records from a given topic partition. This overrides the default fetch behavior for consumers. You can specify one or more topic partitions.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
groupid |
ID of the consumer group to which the consumer belongs. |
string |
Path |
name |
Name of the subscribed consumer. |
string |
Body |
body |
List of partition offsets from which the subscribed consumer will next fetch records. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 |
Seek performed successfully. |
No Content |
404 |
The specified consumer instance was not found, or the specified consumer instance did not have one of the specified partitions assigned. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"offsets" : [ {
"topic" : "topic",
"partition" : 0,
"offset" : 15
}, {
"topic" : "topic",
"partition" : 1,
"offset" : 42
} ]
Example HTTP response
Response 404
"error_code" : 404,
"message" : "The specified consumer instance was not found."
4.3.7. POST /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name}/positions/beginning
Configures a subscribed consumer to seek (and subsequently read from) the first offset in one or more given topic partitions.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
groupid |
ID of the consumer group to which the subscribed consumer belongs. |
string |
Path |
name |
Name of the subscribed consumer. |
string |
Body |
body |
List of topic partitions to which the consumer is subscribed. The consumer will seek the first offset in the specified partitions. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 |
Seek to the beginning performed successfully. |
No Content |
404 |
The specified consumer instance was not found, or the specified consumer instance did not have one of the specified partitions assigned. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"partitions" : [ {
"topic" : "topic",
"partition" : 0
}, {
"topic" : "topic",
"partition" : 1
} ]
Example HTTP response
Response 404
"error_code" : 404,
"message" : "The specified consumer instance was not found."
4.3.8. POST /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name}/positions/end
Configures a subscribed consumer to seek (and subsequently read from) the offset at the end of one or more of the given topic partitions.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
groupid |
ID of the consumer group to which the subscribed consumer belongs. |
string |
Path |
name |
Name of the subscribed consumer. |
string |
Body |
body |
List of topic partitions to which the consumer is subscribed. The consumer will seek the last offset in the specified partitions. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 |
Seek to the end performed successfully. |
No Content |
404 |
The specified consumer instance was not found, or the specified consumer instance did not have one of the specified partitions assigned. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"partitions" : [ {
"topic" : "topic",
"partition" : 0
}, {
"topic" : "topic",
"partition" : 1
} ]
Example HTTP response
Response 404
"error_code" : 404,
"message" : "The specified consumer instance was not found."
4.3.9. GET /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name}/records
Retrieves records for a subscribed consumer, including message values, topics, and partitions. The request for this operation MUST use the base URL (including the host and port) returned in the response from the POST
request to /consumers/{groupid}
that was used to create this consumer.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
groupid |
ID of the consumer group to which the subscribed consumer belongs. |
string |
Path |
name |
Name of the subscribed consumer to retrieve records from. |
string |
Query |
max_bytes |
The maximum size, in bytes, of unencoded keys and values that can be included in the response. Otherwise, an error response with code 422 is returned. |
integer |
Query |
timeout |
The maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, that the HTTP Bridge spends retrieving records before timing out the request. |
integer |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Poll request executed successfully. |
404 |
The specified consumer instance was not found. |
406 |
The |
422 |
Response exceeds the maximum number of bytes the consumer can receive |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
[ {
"topic" : "topic",
"key" : "key1",
"value" : {
"foo" : "bar"
"partition" : 0,
"offset" : 2
}, {
"topic" : "topic",
"key" : "key2",
"value" : [ "foo2", "bar2" ],
"partition" : 1,
"offset" : 3
} ]
"topic": "test",
"key": "a2V5",
"value": "Y29uZmx1ZW50",
"partition": 1,
"offset": 100,
"topic": "test",
"key": "a2V5",
"value": "a2Fma2E=",
"partition": 2,
"offset": 101,
Response 404
"error_code" : 404,
"message" : "The specified consumer instance was not found."
Response 406
"error_code" : 406,
"message" : "The `format` used in the consumer creation request does not match the embedded format in the Accept header of this request."
Response 422
"error_code" : 422,
"message" : "Response exceeds the maximum number of bytes the consumer can receive"
4.3.10. POST /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name}/subscription
Subscribes a consumer to one or more topics. You can describe the topics to which the consumer will subscribe in a list (of Topics
type) or as a topic_pattern
field. Each call replaces the subscriptions for the subscriber.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
groupid |
ID of the consumer group to which the subscribed consumer belongs. |
string |
Path |
name |
Name of the consumer to subscribe to topics. |
string |
Body |
body |
List of topics to which the consumer will subscribe. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 |
Consumer subscribed successfully. |
No Content |
404 |
The specified consumer instance was not found. |
409 |
Subscriptions to topics, partitions, and patterns are mutually exclusive. |
422 |
A list (of |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"topics" : [ "topic1", "topic2" ]
Example HTTP response
Response 404
"error_code" : 404,
"message" : "The specified consumer instance was not found."
Response 409
"error_code" : 409,
"message" : "Subscriptions to topics, partitions, and patterns are mutually exclusive."
Response 422
"error_code" : 422,
"message" : "A list (of Topics type) or a topic_pattern must be specified."
4.3.11. GET /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name}/subscription
Retrieves a list of the topics to which the consumer is subscribed.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
groupid |
ID of the consumer group to which the subscribed consumer belongs. |
string |
Path |
name |
Name of the subscribed consumer. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
List of subscribed topics and partitions. |
404 |
The specified consumer instance was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"topics" : [ "my-topic1", "my-topic2" ],
"partitions" : [ {
"my-topic1" : [ 1, 2, 3 ]
}, {
"my-topic2" : [ 1 ]
} ]
Response 404
"error_code" : 404,
"message" : "The specified consumer instance was not found."
4.3.12. DELETE /consumers/{groupid}/instances/{name}/subscription
Unsubscribes a consumer from all topics.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
groupid |
ID of the consumer group to which the subscribed consumer belongs. |
string |
Path |
name |
Name of the consumer to unsubscribe from topics. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 |
Consumer unsubscribed successfully. |
No Content |
404 |
The specified consumer instance was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 404
"error_code" : 404,
"message" : "The specified consumer instance was not found."
4.3.13. GET /healthy
Check if the bridge is running. This does not necessarily imply that it is ready to accept requests.
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
The bridge is healthy |
No Content |
4.3.14. GET /openapi
Retrieves the OpenAPI v2 specification in JSON format.
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OpenAPI v2 specification in JSON format retrieved successfully. |
string |
4.3.15. GET /ready
Check if the bridge is ready and can accept requests.
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
The bridge is ready |
No Content |
4.3.16. GET /topics
Retrieves a list of all topics.
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
List of topics. |
< string > array |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
[ "topic1", "topic2" ]
4.3.17. POST /topics/{topicname}
Sends one or more records to a given topic, optionally specifying a partition, key, or both.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
topicname |
Name of the topic to send records to or retrieve metadata from. |
string |
Query |
async |
Whether to return immediately upon sending records, instead of waiting for metadata. No offsets will be returned if specified. Defaults to false. |
boolean |
Body |
body |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Records sent successfully. |
404 |
The specified topic was not found. |
422 |
The record list is not valid. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"records" : [ {
"key" : "key1",
"value" : "value1"
}, {
"value" : "value2",
"partition" : 1
}, {
"value" : "value3"
} ]
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"offsets" : [ {
"partition" : 2,
"offset" : 0
}, {
"partition" : 1,
"offset" : 1
}, {
"partition" : 2,
"offset" : 2
} ]
Response 404
"error_code" : 404,
"message" : "The specified topic was not found."
Response 422
"error_code" : 422,
"message" : "The record list contains invalid records."
4.3.18. GET /topics/{topicname}
Retrieves the metadata about a given topic.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
topicname |
Name of the topic to send records to or retrieve metadata from. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Topic metadata |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"name" : "topic",
"offset" : 2,
"configs" : {
"cleanup.policy" : "compact"
"partitions" : [ {
"partition" : 1,
"leader" : 1,
"replicas" : [ {
"broker" : 1,
"leader" : true,
"in_sync" : true
}, {
"broker" : 2,
"leader" : false,
"in_sync" : true
} ]
}, {
"partition" : 2,
"leader" : 2,
"replicas" : [ {
"broker" : 1,
"leader" : false,
"in_sync" : true
}, {
"broker" : 2,
"leader" : true,
"in_sync" : true
} ]
} ]
4.3.19. GET /topics/{topicname}/partitions
Retrieves a list of partitions for the topic.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
topicname |
Name of the topic to send records to or retrieve metadata from. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
List of partitions |
< PartitionMetadata > array |
404 |
The specified topic was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
[ {
"partition" : 1,
"leader" : 1,
"replicas" : [ {
"broker" : 1,
"leader" : true,
"in_sync" : true
}, {
"broker" : 2,
"leader" : false,
"in_sync" : true
} ]
}, {
"partition" : 2,
"leader" : 2,
"replicas" : [ {
"broker" : 1,
"leader" : false,
"in_sync" : true
}, {
"broker" : 2,
"leader" : true,
"in_sync" : true
} ]
} ]
Response 404
"error_code" : 404,
"message" : "The specified topic was not found."
4.3.20. POST /topics/{topicname}/partitions/{partitionid}
Sends one or more records to a given topic partition, optionally specifying a key.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
partitionid |
ID of the partition to send records to or retrieve metadata from. |
integer |
Path |
topicname |
Name of the topic to send records to or retrieve metadata from. |
string |
Body |
body |
List of records to send to a given topic partition, including a value (required) and a key (optional). |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Records sent successfully. |
404 |
The specified topic partition was not found. |
422 |
The record is not valid. |
Example HTTP request
Request body
"records" : [ {
"key" : "key1",
"value" : "value1"
}, {
"value" : "value2"
} ]
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"offsets" : [ {
"partition" : 2,
"offset" : 0
}, {
"partition" : 1,
"offset" : 1
}, {
"partition" : 2,
"offset" : 2
} ]
Response 404
"error_code" : 404,
"message" : "The specified topic partition was not found."
Response 422
"error_code" : 422,
"message" : "The record is not valid."
4.3.21. GET /topics/{topicname}/partitions/{partitionid}
Retrieves partition metadata for the topic partition.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
partitionid |
ID of the partition to send records to or retrieve metadata from. |
integer |
Path |
topicname |
Name of the topic to send records to or retrieve metadata from. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
Partition metadata |
404 |
The specified topic partition was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"partition" : 1,
"leader" : 1,
"replicas" : [ {
"broker" : 1,
"leader" : true,
"in_sync" : true
}, {
"broker" : 2,
"leader" : false,
"in_sync" : true
} ]
Response 404
"error_code" : 404,
"message" : "The specified topic partition was not found."
4.3.22. GET /topics/{topicname}/partitions/{partitionid}/offsets
Retrieves a summary of the offsets for the topic partition.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
partitionid |
ID of the partition. |
integer |
Path |
topicname |
Name of the topic containing the partition. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
A summary of the offsets for the topic partition. |
404 |
The specified topic partition was not found. |
Example HTTP response
Response 200
"beginning_offset" : 10,
"end_offset" : 50
Response 404
"error_code" : 404,
"message" : "The specified topic partition was not found."
Revised on 2022-11-29 11:17:26 UTC